Monday 1 June 2015

Limb To Limb ~ Classy UK rockers new EP

Limb To Limb have released their second EP “For Machines” a five track celebration of all things classic/hard rock that again highlights the truly wonderful golden pipes of vocalist Charlotta Ekebergh whose strong clean bluesy tones take the bands sound to whole new level. Don't think that this band are a one woman show though as the rest of the guys are no slouches either serving up delicious slabs of groove laden rock that is slick, classy  but with enough grit to please any stoners or doomers who might be thinking of checking these guys out. The twin guitars of   Vinnie Holmes and Nicos Christodoulou rip chords and solo’s that both burn and smoulder while Massimo Tortella (bass) and Ben Nicoll (drums) create a bedrock of rhythms that'll have you leaping around like a kangaroo with a wasp in it's pouch.
Limb To Limb may not be the greasy, unwashed, hairy, stoned out shorts and sandals delinquents we are used to in this genre but what they are is a solid, talented group of musicians who know how to write and rock a good tune

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