Sunday 4 August 2019

SLOWNER ~ SLOWNER .... review

Before regular readers of Desert Psychlist start thinking that we have some sort of monetary deal to feature as many Brazilian bands as possible, we can reassure you that we do not! It's just that there is so much great music coming out of that South American country it would be remiss of us to ignore it.

Slowner, Lucas (guitar/vocals; Issac (guitar); Renata (bass); and Gabriel (drums), hail from Recife, PE and came together to jam grooves inspired by their love of 90's era stoner/desert rock and 70's hard rock and proto-metal/doom, grooves you can hear for yourselves via their self-titled debut "Slowner"

Beneath the rather bleak artwork of abandoned automobiles, rusting and decaying under the shadow of a large mountain range, lies an album of raw and untamed doomic beauty, an album that may not reveal its full charms straight away but with subsequent listens will grow to be a firm favourite. Slowner's grooves dwell somewhere between old school proto and new school stoner doom and when Desert Psychlist says between we really do mean between. Each of the five songs that make up this Brazilian combo's debut mixes and blends aspects from both doomic dynamics, with songs, like "Any Street","Split", Insomnia", "Nightcrawler" and "Witch", switching from Sabbathesque proto doomic gallops to more stonerized lower, slower heavy plods in the blink of a demon's eye and are just as quickly liable to switch back again. These songs come coated in clean vocals, with the occasional growl thrown in for good measure, that although are not overly powerful are nonetheless highly effective and sit nicely against the dank low slung refrains and doomic rhythmic pulses the band frame them with. 

Although not quite the finished article Slowner are a band moving in the right direction, yes there are moments on "Slowner" where things get a little generic and cliched but there are also glimpses of huge potential here too, potential that could make their next release a very interesting prospect indeed.
Check 'em out …..

© 2019 Frazer Jones

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