Monday 16 September 2024


Tie down any loose objects in your home and stick a note under the neighbours door explaining things could get a little loud over the next half hour or so. The reason you will be taking these measures is because we at Desert Psychlist are inviting you to lend an ear to "Nature Duale" (Electric Desert Records) the enormous sounding new album from Atlanta, Georgia trio LungBurner. Some of you out there maybe still be replacing ornaments and building bridges with neighbours after spinning the bands previous release "Embers", a four song assault on the senses that gave no quarter but received plenty from those who bought into its mix of sludge, doom and blackened metal bluster. The bands new album is no less forgiving or for that matter no less praiseworthy, expect brutality, expect heaviness, expect your neighbours to move house but most of all expect your face to be melted.

Things start off fairly tranquil and calm with "Requiem" however its intro of drones and circular guitar motifs, supporting well chosen sampled narrative, is soon wiped from the memory when with a few well placed hits of his drum skins Dylan Mincey signals a dive into a full on metallic onslaught, an onslaught buoyed by Joe Mills low thrumming bass and Jens Anderberg's dank toned guitar riffage and lead work,  Anderberg also doubling up on vocals to tell us of "a bringer of knowledge" and that we should "relinquish all lies" in tones that are pitched low gravelled and frankly quite scary. Next up is "The Hidden Hand", the song starts with an unsettling sample narrated in semi whispered tones and is followed by drummer Mincey beating out an impressive tattoo that is slowly joined by Mills bass and Anderberg's guitar in a groove that sits somewhere between galloping and throbbing, Anderberg adding extra impact to the songs powerhouse dynamic with a series of superbly placed samples and a vocal that is more a tuneful roar than an actual melody. "(Prey) Job" boasts a somewhat proto-doomic groove in places but do not go looking for comparisons with some of the giants of that sub-genre here because you will not find any, this is sludgier more blackened, more extreme than anything you will find on anything released by the Sabbath's and Wizard's of this world. Next song "Barren" is one for all of you out there who love a groove that "chugs" however there is much more going on here than repetitive riffs and steady thunderous rhythms, beneath the caustic refrains and raw throated vocalisations exotic elements routinely surface and then drift away, there is brutality here for sure but there are also elements of subtlety. "Astral Projection" is the perfect song for LungBurner to close their current account with, it is a song that utilizes everything explored previously and crams it all into one huge mind blowing curtain closer, a sludgy doomic metallic slice of  irresistible heaviness.

 LungBurner's "Natura Duale" is one of those rare albums that that will appeal to both metals extremists and its staunch traditionalists, it is a thoroughly heavy album but it is also not one without its moments of subtlety. It is the perfect album for those wanting to take their first tentative steps into metals darker side but also perfect for those who still prefer an element of form in their chaos. 
Check it out ....  
© 2024 Frazer Jones

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