Wednesday 22 May 2024


When Denver Colorado's Deer Creek released their 2022 debut album "Menticide" Desert Psychlist could not help but throw a few words together in celebration of its impact on our riff beaten ears. Now we get to do it all over again for their latest release "The Hiraeth Pit", another delicious collection of low slow and heavy doomic grooves perfect for sagely nodding along to while reverentially muttering "all hail the riff" under our breaths.

First out of the traps comes "Bodies To Be Kicked" a proto flavoured doom banger boasting crunchy down-tuned distorted guitar tones supported by equally crunchy bass and impressively busy drumming around which vocals are traded off against one another in what feels, at times, like an almost conversational style, a trick that proves especially effective when the song drops into a slightly more stoner doomic dynamic in its later stages. Gnarly and energetic is how we would describe the opening bars to next track "The Wretches Who Grovel", but that energy soon dissipates and its not long before the drums and bass lock into a thick and syrupy doom groove around which the guitars swoop and swoon over a sedately paced vocal that cryptically targets organised religion. Third song "Crushed By the Hand Slowly Filling With Gold" boasts stuttering riffage and thrumming rhythms supporting melodic clean vocals while for its follow up. "They Were Buried Yesterday", things stay fairly melodic in the vocal department but lean towards a swampier sludge like dynamic musically. "Grey" is up next and lyrically examines alien encounters against a backdrop of grainy grizzled doom. "We Dreamed of Flames and Suffocation" is a low slow and suitably heavy tirade against oppression that features some searing lead guitar (Jeff Montoya) that leads us to final song "Almshouse Stench" a discordant and droning behemoth decorated in off centred lead vocals and slightly less than harmonious harmonies that finally signs out in a doom-psych jam, intense stuff!

The Hiraeth Pit” is an album that sees Deer Creek skirting around the edges of the stoner doom genre without fully committing to it, this is a good thing as it allows them as a band not to become restricted by the genres usual cliches and tropes and allows them the room to stretch themselves a little. If you are a devotee of low slung slowed down heavy music but are looking for something a little different but in the same sort of ballpark then “The Hiraeth Pit” could well be the album you have been searching for.
Check it out …

© 2024 Frazer Jones

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