Thursday 13 June 2024



Those who follow these pages will know that when informing our readers of a bands line-up we usually write a musician’s name followed by the instrument/instruments he/she plays contained in brackets, well if we were to do that for today’s release we would have to write; Fred Dupré (everything) and that is because Fred Dupré IS Dunerider and Dunerider IS Fred Dupré. If you are a fan of music drenched in swathes of filthy fuzz and distortion then you are probably already familiar with Mr Dupré and his love of a fuzz pedal thanks to his previous Dunerider releases "RUIN" and "ASCEND TO THE VOID" but if you are not then new album "Long Trip" would be an excellent starting point to work your way back from.

Partly buried vocals sung over lashings of fuzz and distortion in doom like settings is not a new phenomenon, Electric Wizard built their career around very much similar dynamics and if you are (like us) fans of the Italian acid doom/scuzz scene, where you are judged as much on the quality of your effects pedals as the strength of your grooves, then the fuzzed to the max sound Dupré brings to the table with his Dunerider projects latest release “Long Trip”  will be very much to your liking. There is however a major difference between those bands just mentioned and Dunerider and that is in the way Dupré will sometimes vary and temper his sonic onslaughts by bringing in, on songs like "Ride Eternity", "Long Way Get High" and "Wizard Valley", elements that are a somewhat trippier and slightly more spacious than those of his Italian counterparts. It must be said though that it is the full on doomic fuzz'n'roll of songs like "Death Trip", "Stone Rider and "Hoping Quicksand" that really get the adrenaline flowing and make this album such a fuzzilicious listening experience.

Nasty guitar tones and thunderous punchy rhythms supporting clean slightly buried vocal tones is what to expect when hitting play on this ridiculously raucous collection of tunes, and hitting play on "Long Trip" is something you will want to do again and again and again

© 2024 Frazer Jones

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